Laser Cold Sore Treatment

in NE Calgary

Dealing with a cold sore—here to help you

Cold sores are red blisters that may appear on lips, around your mouth, or around your nose. These blisters can develop into clusters and cause mild to excruciating pain. Although the pain can last for a few days, there are instances when these blisters crack and leak fluids. 

Cold sore symptoms can be severe when you have been exposed. Once this virus penetrates your body, the blisters may appear around the area where they initially entered. You may start feeling itchiness or a slight burning sensation around that area.

Treat a cold sore before these blisters show up. A cold sore can also be accompanied by fever or bleeding gums.

Causes of cold sores

Cold sore is associated with the herpes simplex virus or HSV. While this virus comes in two distinct types—type I and type II. Cold sores are commonly caused by type I HSV. 

Cold sores can be contagious and passed from one person to another. Kissing, sharing utensils and personal products, such as lipsticks and razors, are a few ways through which this virus is transmitted.

Symptoms of cold sores

Symptoms for cold sores may appear before any physical appearance of blisters on your lips, around your mouth, or around your nose. Cold sore symptoms can include:

  • Burning sensation prior to the blisters show up
  • Gums may appear swollen, sensitive, and red.
  • Experiencing a fever


Blisters may appear within a few hours to a day following the occurrence of the initial symptoms. 

Recurring of cold sores may cause an itching sensation on the area initially affected by the virus. Blisters occurring may usually appear within a shorter time frame on recurring attacks. Blisters may dry up within a few days to a few weeks, depending on how severe the infection is.

Treatment for cold sores

Treatment of cold sores is possible with the help of over the counter medications, such as ointments and creams. Some medications may require a doctor’s prescription to ease the uncomfortable symptoms presented by cold sores, as well as shorten the healing period.

Cold sores can be infuriating and painful to deal with. Here to help you with soft tissue laser treatment, an effective way to remove cold sores!

Benefits of Soft Tissue Laser Treatment

Laser cold sore treatment is most effective during the early stages of cold sores. If you are prone to having cold sores, treat the affected area when you begin to feel a tingling sensation prior to the outbreak. This will help prevent the virus from developing and spreading.

Blisters can heal faster and relieve you from the pain with the help of the laser cold sore treatment. Keep cold sores at bay and prevent future breakouts by repeating laser therapy since cold sores have the tendency to appear in the same area where they had previously occurred. 

Laser therapy decreases the chances of cold sores recurring and may make it to be less severe. 

Here are some benefits to using the soft tissue laser treatment to address cold sores:

  • Prevents the spread of cold sores
  • Aids with fast healing
  • Provides relief from pain and discomfort
  • Prevents cold sores from returning
  • Treatment period is quick
  • Anesthesia isn’t required during treatment
  • Cost-effective treatment and may be covered by insurance

Cold sores can be painful. We’re here to help you.